Saturday, February 12, 2011


Jeremiah had a program at school Thursday night and it was so cute! His class and the other 3rd grade class sang songs. Of course my camera gave out half way through but I gave my email info to some other parents and hopefully they share. The interesting thing though was the next class up came in and sang as well but they also said the Pledge of Allegiance and on Friday Jeremiah got in the truck when I picked him up from school and said the Pledge of Allegiance word for word and sang a song that goes with it. He was so proud of himself and he was also proud that he had not had to go into timeout but ..... unfortunately his wife Macie Jo had. I asked him what MJ had to go into timeout for and he told be "because she was NOT listening." He then told me that he felt sad because she had to go sit in timeout and he went and sat with her. The teacher confirmed it. What a guy our little man is - he didn't leave the little woman hanging out in timeout by herself!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jeremiah the writer

Well, Jeremiah is learning to write and we are having a good time! He told me the other day he wanted to learn to write N-o No. So we got some paper and a marker and he has learned to write N-o. Now we have moved on to his name - so far he can write J-e-r-e we are working on the "m" but it seems to be a little more difficult. I think he is doing great for a four year old though! He got a report card from Mom's Morning Out on Friday and he is meeting expectations on several things and exceeding on the rest so we are very proud of him!!! He is trying really hard and seems to want to learn something new everyday! Avery and I are going to have a hard time keeping up with that little mind of his! Please pray for us that we can keep him from getting bored!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dinner with Jeremiah

While I was eating dinner with Jeremiah last night he reached into his pocket and pulled out a Buzz Lightyear ring. I asked him where he had gotten the ring and he said that Macie Jo had given it to him. Then he went on to tell me that she had given him a ring and they had gotten married. I asked him who had married them and he told me "Miss Nancy". Miss Nancy is the Director at the Mom's Morning Out where he goes. He then told me that he had a very new best friend in the whole wide world and I, of course, being a romantic said that I was sure Macie Jo would be a good best friend and he looked at me and said that Macie Jo wasn't his best friend she was his wife. His new best friend is Bryson and they are best buddies.

Needless to say my plans for Jeremiah's future are in ashes as he has elected to get married at such a young age (and I wasn't even able to be at the ceremony) so I am heartbroken. His grandfather, who previously occupied the best buddy status, is likewise heartbroken. Apparently we are dust in the wind. I am not sure that his dad, myself and his Paw-Paw will ever recover......

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jeremiah strikes again...

Well I have a few new updates on Jeremiah says....

At the mall to see Santa - standing in line.

Mama - Jeremiah do you know what you are going to tell Santa you want for Christmas?
Jeremiah - Yes, mama. I sure do.
Dada - Well, what are you going to tell him? (we are asking this because literally everything he has seen on television he has asked for from a Honda Accords to Depends and we are wondering if we need to rethink this and possibly reserve an afternoon of Santa's time.)
Jeremiah - I am going to ask for ..... I don't know let me think.

FINALLY - we reach Santa and Jeremiah climbs on his lap. The photographer is telling him to smile and Jeremiah says "No, wait I can't smile I have to tell Santa what I want for Christmas. " Jeremiah then looks at Santa Claus and says, "I want a Buzz Lightyear with a remote control." Santa dutifully repeats this and nodds his head. They both then smile for the photo op and Jeremiah gets down and starts to walk away but then he turns back and looks at Santa and says, "I want a Buzz Lightyear with remote control .... and you BETTER bring it!" I don't know about you - but if I were Santa I would have been afraid not to bring it from the look on Jeremiah's face. I had visions of a big hairy man with brass knuckles - I think we'll rename him Vinnie.

Scenario - Jeremiah and I are at the doctor's office - his allergies seem to be acting up. There is a man coming out of the bathroom with a little cup (apparently there is a suspicion of a kidney infection.) Jeremiah looks at me and asks if that is pee-pee in that cup (loudly). I tell him to be quiet and try to get him in the room, of course this is not going to happen right now without me literally scooping him up and shoving him in the room. He looks at the man and as I push him in the room asks the man why he pee-peed in that cup and is he going to drink it. I finally get him in the room and get the door shut. We are sitting there waiting for Jermiah's good friend Dr. Larsen to come in and one of the nurses walks in to speak to me. She has that little cup in her hand and I am keeping an eye on Jeremiah to see if he is going to spout off something but he just eyeballs the cup. Finally the nurse leaves and my guard is down. Dr. Larsen walks in and Jeremiah see's the owner of little cup walking by and he yells loudly "Hey man - man that lady stole your pee-pee!"

Last but not least (on the embarassment scale)

I have a new cellphone and it was not working correctly after only one day. I returned to the store and was waiting to exchange it. When we had been in previously the store owner, Mr. Mahmoud, has struck up a friendship with Jeremiah. They had a great deal of fun together and enjoyed picking on each other a great deal. So we are sitting there waiting for the new phone to get setup and Mr. Mahmoud walks in with his lunch. He speaks to us and then prepares to go into the back of the store (apparently to eat his lunch in peace). Jeremiah watches him and just as he gets to the door Jeremiah loudly says "Abra cadabra" and waves an imaginary wand. Well, Mr. Mahmoud walks into the back room and Jeremiah looks at me and doesn't blink an eye as he says very loudly and clearly, "Man, I made his hairy butt disappear!" There are moments in time when everything seems to just stop and words just seem to hang in the air - this was one of them. I could feel my mouth dropping open and my hair falling out of my head. The salesman we were working with had to turn his back so we couldn't see him laughing - I could hear roars of laughter coming out of the back room and customers were covering their mouths with their hands. I (of course) was speechless - yes ladies and gentlemen it does happen. I finally said I had no idea where he would have heard that but it was probably at Mom's Morning Out - and here is where bad goes to worse. Jeremiah looks at me and says, "No mama, that's what you always say to Daddy when you are calling him - Avery you better get your hairy butt in here! You mean that nice don't you?" At that point I knew I was licked and there was no recovery .....