Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jeremiah good times

Well our bout with sinus infections etc. seems to be waning. We are all three happy about that! It is an answer to prayer!!! We had snow this past Monday and Jeremiah was completely blown away! He took one look and said ....."Juice" we don't know why, My last day on my job was this past Friday so the timing was perfect - we got to play in the snow and have a blast and not feel guilty for not going to work!!!

I went to the grocery store yesterday and when I got home Jeremiah helped me put up the groceries! This was so cute - he would bring me a bag and say "Here go Mama" to which I would reply "Thank You" and then he would say "Welcome". Now honestly - where else would you get help like that?! Since then he has been busy helping us eat them!

So its official I am now job hunting and as everyone knows the economy is so bad just please pray for our family - we have put our trust in God that He will lead me to just the right job for me! Also please pray for Avery he is competing this month in the driving rodeo and this is something that is very important to him so please everyone pray that he does well!

One more note about Mr. Jeremiah - they must be singing 3 Blind Mice at daycare because most nights now when we put him down we hear him in his room humming it! It is too funny for words because he does it over and over!!! He loves music and loves to dance! Do we have a future Lord of the Dance on our hands???!!!!

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