Saturday, May 16, 2009

Latest and greatest

Jeremiah spent yesterday afternoon entertaining the folks at Charlotte Healthcare (where Great-Granny lives). It was their annual family outing and he had a hotdog with all the trimmings. Then to everyones thrill balloons were passed out and everyone got to let them go on the count of "3". Jeremiah thought this was great and since it made him so happy several of the residents gave him their balloons to release. What a sight - a sky full of red, white and blue balloons!!!!!! After spending time with those folks he went to spend the afternoon with Granny and Paw-Paw and at some point in time he learned a new phrase. Granny tells me he was watching "Martha Speaks" and someone on there said "Hey! Wait a minute!" and now all we are hearing is "Hey! Wait a minute!". Just for added thrills I have taught him to point his finger when he says it and its pretty funny. I am trying to find the cables so that I can add video to our site and you can have a demonstration of this. Be on the lookout - I hopefully will have it by the time the weekend is over!!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Say a prayer!!!

Well everyone its official! A week has gone by and I can't deny it - I'm another year older! I had a wonderful birthday followed by a great Mothers Day!!!! I got to spend time with my wonderful son, my Mother and my Grandmother (who is 86!). You know it is wonderful to have a reason to celebrate Mothers Day - I look at him everyday and thank God for him in our lives. We have been visiting a very nice church and we believe that this may be where God is leading us to join so that we can finally have a dedication ceremony.

Jeremiah is growing everyday and is talking more and more. When I picked him up at MMO yesterday the teachers told me that he had been singing Deep and Wide all morning. He is also saying the alphabet (well not by himself but he follows along with us). We are also making animal noises as well - we hear Moo!, Quack Quack!, Arf Arf! and Meow Meow! pretty regularly. I guess that is why I have mixed feelings about this post. I have a job interview today. It does sound promising and would allow me to work from home within a short period of time (something I have really prayed for!). I think it would be wondeful to get up in the morning and be able to get Jeremiah ready and walk him the two doors down to my Mom and Dad's home and come back and go to work. I could walk down and have lunch with him and then at the end of the day walk down and pick him up. Of course entire days spent with him would be over except for weekends but I would know that he is in the best and most loving of hands (other than mine and Avery's . So I am asking everyone to please say a prayer that God's Will is done in this and to allow me to have peace over it.

Thanks again to everyone who came and shared GOTCHA day with us! More later!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We celebrated Jeremiah's GOTCHA Day this past weekend. We had to delay a weekend due to illness but everyone was happy and healthy this past weekend and we all had a wonderful time. Jeremiah enjoyed playing with his friend Jessica and eating cake and ice cream. He has grown so much this year I can't believe the changes in him and he is talking more each day! He is also singing (his favorites are Twinkle Twinkle, 3 Blind Mice and Deep and Wide). See if you can tell from the photos how much he has grown!