Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School pictures

We have been waiting for the proofs and have had trouble getting them delivered to our email, these were made in June but they are the latest professional pictures we have of Jeremiah.
The last one over to the right is my favorite but the photographer said there wasn't a bad one as far as he was concerned because Jeremiah was smiling in all of them. Don't you just want to squeeze those little cheeks???!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hot fun in the summertime

We have been enjoying the summer months together and we are seeing more and more of Jeremiah's personality as the days go by. He loves to laugh and be tickled and will come to you and say "Tickle Monster" which means that the tickle monster is supposed to come out and get him. He is tickleish all over and I love his laugh. Its a combination of shrieks and huh huh huh's that is too cute for words!

He weighs 37 pounds and is about 39 inches tall and seems to have 2 hollow legs. We are thinking of buying stock in one of the grocery store chains. He eats pretty much everything but bananas which he just doesn't like.

He loves to spend time with my Mom and Dad and will ask to go to Maw-Maw and Paw-Paws. He spends every Friday afternoon with them and I don't know who has more fun.

He is getting along well at Mom's morning out and even seems to have a girlfriend there. When I took him in this morning a little blonde curly top came running over screaming MiaMiah MiaMiah and do you he turned into such a guy right in front of me?! He looked at her and rolled his eyes and said very quietly "hey" picked up a toy and walked off. Talk about playing hard to get....

I am posting some miscellaneous photos and I am still looking for the adapter so we can load some video. He has one where he is "Shaking his Booty" that is pretty darn cute!!!!