Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who's in Charge???!!!!

Well more Jeremiahisms here. Conversation overheard by myself -

Avery to Jeremiah "Jeremiah you need to pick up these toys."
Jeremiah to Avery "I will Daddy just a minute I need to mumble mumble mumble" (indiscernable)
Avery to Jeremiah "Jeremiah you don't need to do anything but pick up these toys like I asked you to. I'm the Daddy and I'm in charge here so you need to pick up and I don't need to hear what you need to do first! (this is obviously important picking up t0 be honest Avery was getting him ready to go to Mom's Morning Out so they were on a deadline)

and here it comes - wait for are about to hear the greated comeback ever - drumroll please....

Jeremiah to Avery "No Daddy I'm Mama and (voice gets 10 decibels higher) I'M IN CHARGE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(please give me bonus points for not laughing when this was said)

For those of you who had any doubts I guess we know who the lead dog is around here!