Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jeremiah in the snow

Well we have had some snow here in the month of February and I have a few photos of Jeremiah in the snow. Our Christmas photos are lost forever it appears due to a malfunction with our memory card so all we will have of this Christmas is our memories of Jeremiah finding his "Christmas". He was so excited and kept saying "I got new toys and got to keep the old ones too!". He has gotten very expressive and we are hearing so many things these days - it is like there is something new everyday. He told me the other day that I needed to be quiet because he had something to say - please. We also hear "I DO IT MYSELF!!!!!!!" all the time! He has very definite ideas about things and he is sure he is at least 20 something! He wants to be a big boy so bad!

He is obsessed with "Toy Story" these days and all we hear is he is either "Woody" Jeremiah or "Buzz" Jeremiah. How funny!!!! He also celebrated a birthday in January and we had bad weather on his birthday. We are hoping there is better weather for his "Gotcha" day!

I am still job hunting - have had some interesting interviews in the last month but nothing yet. We are grateful to everyone who has been praying for us - as of today I am officially unemployed for one year and God has blessed us richly by taking such good care of us. We pray daily for his continued benevolence. I pointed the other day that since Jeremiah came into our lives I have spent less than 4 months working. Several people have said that apparently God has intended for me to have this time and truthfully I have enjoyed spending this year with him - I know it is time I will NEVER regret. Please everyone continue to keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. I just had to say hi! We are adopting our own Frogie Boy Jeremiah from Taiwan :) I love your blog :)



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